Monday 30 April 2007

The Follow Up - Still SCARED!

It's that time again! The one week - two week time scale you arranged has come quicker than expected, and the heat is on!
The fear, disbelief and lack of confidence is washing over you in one hideous wave.

What are you going to do? Avoid the phonecall? Completely waste the last 5 minutes spent talking to that now prospective client?

Want a tip?....... Deep breath, dial the number and believe that you are not an hindrance to this client, you are an opportunity waiting to happen, an inspirational source to his business, and go your guns! When I say this, I mean, believe that you are now talking to someone who needs your business, and believe me, this will really make a difference to your call.

When I really want to make a sale, of any description, and I feel fire in my belly, I always stand up?! There is to date, no rhymn or reason to this, other than the fact that I feel more free walking around and in a way having more control when selling my service. You are able to be more expressive with you hands and general body movement. I have progressed and closed my sale many times while pacing my working environment and being comfortable in my surroundings.

Remember that success isn't, and shouldn't, be monitored on initial results. Strong working partnerships should be based on many sectors, excellent communication being the most important.

Make your call, make your next objective. Sending literature and agreeing a follow up call in a weeks time to discuss your product in more detail. Making an appointment and meeting face to face, or discover that this client is not right for you now, in 3 or 12 months time if at all.

The results from all of the above will educate you in the marketplace that you are within and will allow you to grow within this environment.

If the above still has you shaking in your boots! Let someone else wear out their carpet with your sales calls, contact Keane Communications, where as you know we make every conversation count!